ISSN (Online) : 2319-6718         ISSN (Print) : 2319-670X

Paper Layout Details

Following tables are giving complete details about page setup, manuscript layout, figures and table specifications etc.

Table I: Page setup details

Particulars Specifications
Margins Top = 1", Bottom = 1", Left = 1", Right = 1"
Orientation Portrait
Paper Size A4 (8.27" X 11.69")
Headers 0.79"
Footers 0.79"

Table II: Manuscript layout details

Particulars Specifications
Font type Font Size Text Alignment Text pattern Normal/Title Case/All Capital/Bold/Italic/Underline
Title Times New Roman 16 Center Title Case + Bold
Author (s) Name Times New Roman 14 Center Normal + Bold
Affiliation & E mail Times New Roman 10 Center Normal
Abstract Heading Times New Roman 09 Justify Bold + Italic
Abstract Body Text Times New Roman 09 Justify Normal
Keywords Heading Times New Roman 09 Justify Bold + Italic
Keywords Cambria 09 Justify Normal
Main Heading Times New Roman 11 Left All Capital + Bold
First Subheading Times New Roman 10 Left Normal + Bold +Italic
Second Subheading Times New Roman 10 Left Normal + Italic
Body Text Times New Roman 10 Left Normal + Italic
Acknowledgment Times New Roman 10 Left Normal + Italic
References Times New Roman 10 Left Normal + Italic

Table III: Line spacing details:

Particulars Specifications
Before Spacing(Pt) After Spacing(Pt) Line Spacing
Title 0 14 1
Author (s) Name 0 6 1
Affiliation & E mail 0 0 1
Abstract Heading 6 6 1
Abstract Body Text 0 6 1
Keywords Heading 0 6 1
Keywords 0 0 1
Main Heading 6 6 1
First Subheading 3 3 1
Second Subheading 0 0 1
Body Text 0 0 1
Acknowledgment 0 0 1
References 0 3 Exactly
Table and Figure Caption 6 6 1
Table and Figure Footnote 0 6 1

*Please keep Left and right indentation of 0"


Table IV: Figure setup details

Particulars Specifications
Acceptable Type of Image Either vector art formats (Illustrator, EPS, WMF, FreeHand, CorelDraw, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) or bitmap formats (Photoshop, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc.).
Text Wrapping None
Size Height = 8.4 cm or Height = 8.4 m
Width = 8.4 cm or Width = 17.6 cm`
Color Either RGB (Red Green Blue) Format or Black and White
Alignment Left
Position of Figure Caption Bottom of figure + Justify
Caption heading style Figure 1:, Figure 2: …….
Figure Footnote Justify + Times New Roman + 08 + Normal

Table V: Table setup details

Particulars Specifications
Table alignment Left
Text Wrapping None
Size Height = 8.4 cm or Height = 8.4 m
Borders Custom border
Cell and column width As minimum as possible (Fit to text)
Table heading Center alignment + Times New Roman + Font Size 10 + Bold face + Italic
Table text Alignment Left Alignment + Times New Roman + Font Size 10 + Normal
Table subheading Center Alignment + Times New Roman + Font Size 10 + Italic
Caption Justify + Times New Roman + 10 + Normal
Position of table caption Above Table + Justify
Caption Heading Style Table I:, Table II: ………
Table Footnote Justify + Times New Roman + 08 + Normal

IJMHSI Citation Report New
  All Since 2012
 Citation  178 174
 h-index 10 9
 i10-index 3 3
impact factor

impact factor

digitally signed certificates

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