ISSN (Online) : 2319-6718         ISSN (Print) : 2319-670X


Category : Volume 2 - Issue 1 (version 3)


A Comparative Study between Synovial Superoxide Dismutase per Oxidation Marker and the Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis
Dr. Indranil Dawn, Dr. Subhrajyoti Naskar, Dr Susmita Sarkar, Dr. Gouranga Biswas, Dr.Sujash Halder File Size 308 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0210104
Spontaneous reporting of paediatric adverse drug reactions in a Nigerian tertiary health centre - any relationship to severity?
Akuse Rosamund M, Garnett Foluke F File Size 419 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0210511
Nigerian foodstuffs with tumour chemosuppressive polyphenols.
Amodu B, Itodo S.E, Musa D.E File Size 315 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0211217
Neutrophil Phagocytosis Activity Compared To Myeloperoxidase, Hydrogen Peroxidase And Lactoferrin Levels In Saliva Of Newborn Baby With Sepsis Risk Factors To Detect Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis
Ari Yunanto, Puji Andayani, Triyawanti, Eko Suhartono, Aris Widodo File Size 233 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0211822
Cytotoxicity of new flavonoid compound isolated from Farsetia aegyptia
Eman R. El-Sharkawy and Azza A. Matloub Emad Mahrous Atta File Size 346 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0212327
A study on analgesic effect of Caryophyllus aromaticus by formalin test in albino rats
Dr. S.Sateesh, Dr. Sangavai Mathiazhagan, Dr. S.Anand, Dr. R.Parthiban, Dr. S. Suresh, Dr.B. Sankaranarayanan, Dr. R.Sandiya, Dr. Ashwin Kumar File Size 298 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0212835
Analysis of pharmacokinetic data by wilk's lambda (An important tool of manova)
Sweta Patel, C. D. Bhavsar File Size 380 KB
Paper Index : 27.6718/0213644
IJMHSI Citation Report New
  All Since 2012
 Citation  178 174
 h-index 10 9
 i10-index 3 3
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